There is something awesome and mysterious about the letter “J”. It seems some of the most well-known names start with it.
The Biblical account is traced to Jehovah, who created the world and later chose Jacob as His faithful friend. Jacob in turn chooses Joseph as his beloved son. When the devil wanted to test the faith of men, Job was chosen to prove the devil wrong.
When God’s chosen people, the Jews, were journeying to the Promised Land from Egypt, they met the walls of Jericho. Joshua, who was then the leader of the Jews, led them to circle the wall until it collapsed. When the Jews came to settle in the Promised Land, they made Jerusalem their capital city.
When Jehovah wanted to dwell among men, He chose Jesus as His begotten son. Jesus was mysteriously born to Joseph who was a native of Judea. Incidentally, Jesus’ brothers were named James and John. The Messiah was also baptized by John, the Baptist. Jesus was betrayed by Judas Iscariot.
When all others failed to compile the Bible, King James succeeded.
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