Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year's Eve Reflection

Dear Friend,

With the end of the year quickly approaching, I find myself reflecting on previous year-ending December 31s. When I was fresh in high school, I remember the high expectations that I used to have of the coming New Year, almost breathless, eagerly waiting for the dawn of a new year. I used to look forward to entering a higher class and making and meeting new friends. I remember the joy and bubble of the youthfulness that was encompassing me, engulfing me with rupturous enthusiasm and new anticipation, brighter and better than the previous year. I remember my mother dashing off for last minute shoppings, just to fulfil my youthful demands. I remember the time we waited for a mid-night ABBA - the Movie show with friends, hanging out in the cold without caring a hoot. As time went by I mellowed a little and things began to change gradually but surely. By the time I was blessed with four daughters, my perspective and idea about New Year's eve had taken a diametrical change. But whatever it is, one thing remained constant. New Year's eve is the best time for indepth reflection - a time to look back into the past with gratitufe and at the same time to look forward to the promises and challenges of the future.

Whatever the future holds, I will never get over the thankfulness I feel at this time for all that I have been blessed with. 2009 will long be remembered as the year my wife left me for her eternal rest. But it will also be remembered not only for the trials but also for the many triumphs which are too numerous to list in this bulletin box.

My prayer for you as we reflect back on this last day of 2009 is that you might continue to experience the wonder of God in a very personal way . . . that you might feel a sense of awe and gratitude for the gift of life, health, family, education, money, and many many more . . . that you might centre your reflection on the One who is worthy. He alone is the One who can pull us up and He alone is the one who can pull us down.

Have a meaningul and purposeful reflection today!

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