Monday, November 25, 2013


Roland C. Warren, former President of National Fatherhood Initiative and currently serving as President & Chief Executive Officer of Care Net is the ideal person to write a book on the subject of fatherhood as he has dedicated himself to the mission/ministry of improving the well-being of children by increasing the proportion of children that are raised with involved, responsible and committed fathers.

Bad Dads of the Bible: 8 Mistakes Every Good Dad Can Avoid (January 28, 2014 Zondervan) by Roland C. Warren is a must-read for all fathers as well as would-be fathers. But who are the bad dads of the Bible? Why would the author term them as bad? The list of them would surprise you as it surprised me. But reading through the chapters make me realize that many of us may actually have been “bad dads” while honestly believing that we have been discharging our duty to the best of our ability, and according to the Written Word.

Just check out the “bad dads” of the Bible and you will know why:
-David: He was paralyzed by his past failures
-Laban: Ha made his children compete for his affection
-Jacob: He turned a blind eye to sibling rivalry
-Saul: He made it difficult for his children to honor him
-Abraham: He abandoned his child
-Eli: He failed to discipline his children
-Manoah: He failed to tame his child’s talents
-Lot: He pitched his family’s tent near temptation

A good father will daily promises to be the father that God has called him to be. He connects and corrects. According to Roland C. Warren, a good father will do the following things:
-          Good fathers affirms their children
-          Good fathers are physically present
-          Good fathers are emotionally available
-          Good fathers are spiritually involved
-          Good fathers love and pursue the prodigal child
-          Good fathers reach out to the fatherless

Where do you stand? It’s never too late to start afresh. Learn from the insights of this man of God who has been at the forefront of a campaign for a responsible fatherhood.

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