Thursday, July 04, 2019

When I Lay My Isaac Down by Carol J. Kent

What would you do if God called you to completely entrust your son or daughter to Him? God used Isaac to test Abraham’s faith in Genesis 22. How will you respond if He pushes your faith to the brink of falling apart? Carol Kent’s life changed forever when her twenty-five year old son, a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy and a lieutenant in the navy with an impeccable military record, shot and killed his wife’s ex-husband. For the first time, Carol Kent tells her heartbreaking story and opens her heart to share priceless lessons on choosing hope over despair.

Change the way you think about personal challenges.  Sometimes we make sacrifices to help us get ahead, to allow us more time with family, or because we believe in the cause. And then there are sacrifices in which we have no say— “Isaac experiences” as in Genesis 22— thrust upon us without warning or survival instructions.

Join author and speaker Carol Kent as she shares her personal story of unshakable faith in unthinkable circumstances in this interactive curriculum. This teaching companion to the best-selling book When I Lay My Isaac Down comes with everything you need for facilitating life-changing small-group discussions or leading a soul-transforming retreat.

Carol and Gene Kent’s son is in prison. When I Lay My Isaac Down tells their story and shares the transformational principles they learned about forgiveness and faith.

Dealing with her anger, grief, and shame, Carol could have given up. Instead she tells a highly personal, heartbreaking, and uplifting story that will bolster your faith. Updated and revised, this edition contains a new chapter about what God has taught Carol since her son’s imprisonment.

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